Sunday, February 26, 2023

Technology in the Classroom: A Benefit or a Distraction?

 Is the technology in your child's classroom benefiting or distracting them?

     In recent years there has been more of a push to integrate technology into the education system with advocates saying that it will better a child's education. The pushback from concerned researchers and parents argues that technology may distract children from learning. So which is it? According to research, the ways that it improves your child's learning is that it creates a more engaged environment, incorporates different learning styles, improves collaboration, prepares children for the future, and connects you, the parent, with your students (Walden University). It takes a teacher who is intuitive and willing to use technology to benefit the children in the ways that research has shown to benefit them. The
Children look excited while using
the computer in the classroom.
teachers should be guiding them through the work with technology, and supporting their instruction with technology. The concern of researchers and parents can be valid. If teachers are using technology to substitute their teaching, then it is a distraction. Teachers should be using technology to support the learning material that they are presenting to the class. An example would be a teacher presenting information about chemistry, so after she/he has done their presentation they have the children play a matching game with technology about the material they just presented. This is an example of using technology in a way that supports the learning experience and does not substitute for the teacher's role. Rather, it is incorporating multiple learning styles in one lesson while also creating a more engaged learning environment where the children can learn and reflect. 

    As your child's teacher, it is important to me that I am being flexible and intuitive reflecting on the uses of technology in my classroom. I am constantly thinking about how it is supporting my teaching, and if there is truly a need for technology with that specific lesson. Some teachers tend to use technology with just videos, but it is my goal to use it in interactive ways such as learning games or matching games when it comes to reviewing the material presented. I believe that the technology I use builds upon your child's learning, rather than takeaways. I also try and adapt based upon what I have seen works with my classroom that year, and what does not. It is my goal to integrate technology into my curriculum to reach the benefits that the research has found. 

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